About me!

Did someone say crafts?! It was me, I’m that someone. I tend to deep-dive into my different hobbies and interests. Most of the time, this results in high-quality, personal and unique creations. Over the years I have made birthday cards (fancy ones, preferably with a lot of glitter on them), jewellery (I was my sister’s personal jeweller when she went to the Noble Festivities. Who doesn’t love a humble brag?) such as necklaces, earrings and bracelets, cakes, crocheted clothing, and most recently chocolate bonbons.

As you can tell, I am a creator by nature. I find joy in making my own things and being able to gift them to the ones I hold dear, it always makes all of the effort worth it! Since I’ve found such success within my social circle, I figured I would create a website (or, rather, recreate) for everone to take part of my creations! My most popular items have their own page, but feel free to send me a message if you want more information on something that isn’t on the website!

Thank you for being a part of my creative journey and for all of your support, just you reading this means a lot!

Photography: Bryan Jones

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